Scott McCaughrin's Homepage
Greetings, and welcome to Scott McCaughrin's homepage!
- MMMSI - The Future of
- My Re-Write of
"Working With JavaScript Objects"
- My Revision of
The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
Zipfile of HTML docs (click on "HTML", then download from "Tag Reference")
JavaScript online reference manual: language specs, forms, event-handling
Package-level access to docs on Java class methods (v1.1 Core Package Index)
- Yahoo WWW Guide
- Working Draft
(public-comment version, Dec. 1996) of the C++ Standard
- C++
Frequently-Asked Questions (thanks to Marshall Cline, Ph.D. at Paradigm
- The original
IA-64 simulator source, written in GNU C (gcc) by Jason Papadopoulos
- David
Lindauer's resource site, includes a 32-bit C compiler and x86 Pmode
- ... and
finally, Intel's reference site for its IA-64 architecture,
- and
the manuals themselves, in Acrobat-readable (.pdf) format
- Last modified: March 19, 2000
- This manually crafted homepage is maintained by
Scott McCaughrin.
- Please e-mail McCaughrin@BriarCliff
with comments and questions about Java/JavaScript, HTML, JSPs, applets/servlets.
- Please e-mail McCaughrin@OakRidge
with questions or comments about C/C++, x86 asm, IA-64.
- For info on the IA-64 simulator, e-mail
Jason Stratos Papadopoulos
- For help with Prairienet, e-mail
- For math help, e-mail
- For help on political applications of Game Theory, e-mail
Prof. Craig McCaughrin
visitors to my humble lair